How to Succeed at Globalization
A Primer for Roadside Vendors
by El Fisgon
How to Succeed at Globalization
A Primer for Roadside Vendors
by El Fisgon
Let’s face it: There’s no way this book is going to make the bestseller list. To do that it would have to be yet another How to Become a Millionaire. And even though this text covers much of the same ground as your basic get-rich-quick guide, the sad truth is that this particular primer will only help you become even poorer than you were before you shelled out $15.00 to buy it. So the global sales prospects look pretty slim, since most of us are more interested in making a fortune than losing one, no matter what people say about misery loving company.
That’s actually the first theory that needs debunking, because as you’ll see, it’s the companies that love misery. In these pages you will discover how the free market economy developed, from its humble origins in feudal days to its current stranglehold on the entire planet. We will examine how big businesses increase their profits through various degrees of exploitation, from the plunder of natural resources to the abuse of labor, from colonialism and war to monopolistic trade practices and planned layoffs.
How to Succeed of Globalization shows how the free market affects every aspect of our lives, including our self-esteem, our language, our identities. In the past you could be poor but respectable; today, if you’re poor, you’re just plain useless.
In recounting these developments, I have allowed myself the use of certain terms no longer in vogue, such as “capitalism,” “imperialism,” and “colonialism,” because, vogue or no vogue, they’re still the best labels around for certain contemporary phenomena— namely capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism. Similarly, Marxism— despite being a nineteenth-century philosophy—to this day remains a useful tool, especially for explaining the apparent paradox of how free markets turn so many into slaves.
Of course there are other words and concepts that more than adequately describe the behavior of modern-day multinational corporations. But overuse has dulled their edge. Rarely, then, does this book employ such terms as “corporate assholes,” “greedy bastards,” or “plutocratic sons of bitches.” . . .
Happy reading.
Copyright © 2002 by El Fisgon